Monday 3 February 2014

The Living Room Nottingham.

Once again my lack in blogging has a lot to do with how empty my purse is and how busy my third year life has become! I no longer have time to eat out and enjoy all the wonders of the world. But have no fear in six months time I will be a graduate, with more time on my hands than I would like!

So because its been a while since we ventured out for a date night, me and my man friend decided to take a little trip out and with 50% off food until the end of January at the Living Room where else would we go?!

This wasn't my first time to the Living Room in Nottingham (there are loads of them all over the UK) but there is something about it that I really love, it has a really good vibe to it. There is a massive down stairs bar with very friendly bar staff. On my first trip to the Living Room there was even a piano player which is always a nice treat and the bar is both a good pre drink and post drink area when you're too full to contemplate getting in a cab just yet.

Because of the amazing offer that was available the restaurant was super busy so our table wasn't quite ready when we got there - a perfect excuse for a quick glass of wine!

Once our table was ready a very friendly waiter came and took our orders, we had mini spicy chorizo in cider and olives - the chorizo literally exploded flavour on to my tongue!

After a very tough decision making process, I ordered cured salmon with rye bread and wasabi creme fraiche not my usual choice but I had a huge craving for salmon and it wasn't a bad choice at all! It came on a slate slab and by putting balsamic vinegar on to the lemon wedge it was a really good combo! It was actually really nice to have a cold/fresh starter as I normally opt for really rich things and then by the end I'm super full! However because of the rye bread being a bit dry it would have been nice to have more of the cream fraiche.

We had to go for separate wines, as I am yet to discover the delights of red wine much to the delight of many, I went for the house white which I was expected to be really sour like house whites often are. Restaurants have now developed this idea that house wines are the cheapest when in actual fact they are supposed to be the best as they represent the house - clever little fact there for you all. Next time you ask for it ask the waiter if it's the best!

I had already made my decision for mains before I'd even left the house... this is what happens when I don't get to eat out often! I went for Gressingham Duck with pickled pear, buttered kale, duck fat chips and red wine sauce. The chip were amaaazing super crispy on the outside but fluffy on the inside.

However, I had massive food envy when it came to my duck although it looked perfectly cooked on the inside, it was tough and majorly lacking the usual rich flavour that I find duck naturally has and it needed more red wine sauce to make it stand out, without these there was no flavour, and I was actually really disappointed.

My food envy was towards the lamb across the table. Roasted Rump of Lamb, with basil, olive and tomato braised lamb shoulder and creamed broad beans. The lamb was tender and rich and delish! We bought a side of creamy mash potato to share and it lived up to expectations - but it is hard to get mash wrong!

I have been being super good recently, not eating chocolate and sweet etc and going to the gym loads along with all the other januray gymers, however I couldn't resist something sweet to finish off my meal. We went for the Grande Dessert which had a selection of all the desserts but in miniature. It had ice cream, sticky toffee pudding, Eton Mess and a slab of chocolate goodness!
The Living Room is currently taking bookings for valentines day, and the Nottingham Living Room is getting a face lift at the end of Febuary so make sure you get yourself down there before then! Apparently it's going for a more Burger effect, which I really hope it isn't burgers are literally taking over Britain at the moment!              

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